Hospitals and Institutions
Regional H & I Subcommittee
Meets after old business portion of the Ohio Regional Meeting.
- A strong and stable regional H&I subcommittee can provide the guidance and direction that area H&I subcommittees need when facing unfamiliar or problematic situations. To be able to do this, it is essential to get the area H&I subcommittees involved with the regional H&I subcommittee. Together we can do what alone we cannot.
- The subcommittee at this level provides some clerical services, serves as a pooling place for area experience, provides a communications link between the world and area levels and may perform certain support and outreach services. This committee is a subcommittee of the regional service committee (RSC).
- The clerical services mentioned include keeping a list of hospitals and institutions in the region, keeping track of which ones are served by which area H&I subcommittee. Also the RSC H&I Subcommittee should keep on hand support materials that area H&I subcommittees may utilize in their H&I efforts. The regional H&I subcommittee may, in cooperation with PI, communicate directly with facilities to inform them about NA and to provide NA literature and/or order forms.
- A second important function of the regional H&I subcommittee is to provide a forum for area subcommittees to share experience with one another. This may be done in a variety of ways. A regular learning session may be held just before or after the regular RSC meeting, or at some prearranged time and place that is mutually acceptable for the area H&I subcommittees. It is important to remember that the regional subcommittee helps area subcommittees overcome isolation and learn from each other’s experiences.
- The regional subcommittee may be involved in various outreach projects that help carry the message to the addict within the region. Some examples are: a mobile H&I panel that travels to various facilities over a weekend, or sending subcommittee members to isolated areas to help them develop or stabilize their H&I subcommittee. There are of course other ways you may choose to reach out. The point is that the regional subcommittee provides whatever services the areas need.
- For more information CONTACT –
- The H and I chair